A stylized vista; a lake surrounded by mountains and trees with a sunset in the background and a canoe nestled in the rocks on the shoreline

WordCamp Canada 2024

July 11-13, 2024 in Ottawa, ON Canada

Tickets | Sponsor WordCamp Canada | Bring Your Team

From the Organizers

WordCamp Canada is coming! Mark your calendars for July 11-13, 2024, including contributor day on July 11!

We are looking for volunteers and sponsors, so, let us know if your interested.

We are looking for organizers of the WordCamps (Past and Future) all across the country to help us organize, reach out to one of us ASAP, Eh!

Contact us here!


  • Announcing WordCamp Canada’s Keynote Speaker: Meggan Van Harten

    We are thrilled to announce that Meggan Van Harten, RGD, will be the keynote speaker at WordCamp Canada! As Co-CEO of Design de Plume, an Indigenous and women-owned creative agency, Meggan brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to the world of design and accessibility. About Meggan Van Harten Meggan Van Harten is…

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  • Expanding Horizons: Welcoming More Experts to WordCamp Canada

    We’re beyond excited to announce the next lineup of speakers set to grace the stages of WordCamp Canada. Each addition brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, promising to enrich our collective learning and networking opportunities. From the latest in web development technologies to breakthrough strategies in digital marketing, our speakers are at the forefront…

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  • Fresh Perspectives: Latest Speaker Reveal for WordCamp Canada

    As WordCamp Canada continues to draw closer, we’re thrilled to unveil a fresh batch of speakers who are ready to share their cutting-edge ideas and stories with our community. This diverse group of WordPress professionals, content creators, and industry leaders is poised to deliver talks that spark creativity, foster innovation, and drive conversation. Their unique…

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  • Spotlight: Announcing the Our Next Group of Speakers

    As the excitement builds for WordCamp Canada, we’re delighted to unveil our second round of speakers, each bringing their unique perspectives and unparalleled expertise to the forefront. This new group of WordPress aficionados, ranging from visionary designers to marketing maestros, further enriches our already diverse lineup. They are set to ignite discussions, offer fresh insights,…

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  • Spotlight: Announcing Our First Group of Speakers!

    We’re thrilled to finally lift the curtain and reveal the first block of speakers for WordCamp Canada! After a rigorous and inspiring selection process, we’ve curated a lineup that embodies the spirit of innovation, community, and collaboration that WordPress stands for. These individuals are not just experts in their fields; they are passionate advocates for…

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  • Speaker Announcement

    We’re thrilled to announce that the speaker selection process for WordCamp Canada has been completed, and we have our stellar lineup ready! Each application was reviewed with great care, reflecting the depth and diversity of the WordPress community. Below, you’ll find the list of talented individuals who will be sharing their insights, experiences, and passion…

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